Address : 316 Pope Road, Morristown, TN, 37813,
Copyright 2014 Mt.Olive Missionary Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved.
Love Connected John 13:35
Spreading The Word
To Our Community
The mission of Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church is to fulfill the greatest mission every given. According to Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-20, we are to nurture the Saints toward growth. This can be accomplished by helping them find and develop their gifts through fellowship. teaching, and training. This will equip them to serve and succeed in Christian living. We will use our gifts to edify the body of Christ and to glorify God.
The vision of Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church is to carry out the Great Commission as referenced in Matthew 28:18-20.
According to Mark 16:15-20, we are the called out ones to carry the message of Salvation to do the greater works. These signs shall follow them that believe.
We are to take this city back by reaching out to those that do not know Jesus Christ the Messiah. Christ is the anointed one; and because of the anointing yokes are destroyed and burdens are lifted Isaiah 9:4.
We will be the Church that attends to the people's needs, both spiritual and physical, that they will become that whole individual God can use for the upbuilding of His Kingdom.
Bible Study
(All Ages)............10:15 AM
Morning Worship Service
begins 11:00 AM
Prayer Meeting..........6:30 P.M.
Bible Study
(All Ages)............7:00 PM
Preaching, Teaching, Outreach, Evangelism,
Laying on Hands, Giving, Pre-marital counsel, Reconciliation, Intercessor Prayer
New Members Orientation,
Missions, Mission Outreach, Praise Team,
Pastor aide, Deacon Family,
Men's & Women Ministries, Usher,
Tape / Video, Library,
Greeters/ Hospitality Ministry, Kitchen Ministry,
Y.A.D. (Young Anointed Disciple) Ministry, Children's Church, Nursery, Van, Newsletter
Monthly Calendar
February 15th
Birthday Dinner
March 16th
Pastor's Anniversary